
Banners and Avatars

For simply $11.95 I will design you a fully customizable Banner and Avatar for your web site. It is not a premade, or a prefab! I'm a seasoned web and graphic designer and seriously, enjoy what I do!

1. You make purchase.
2. I send you a detailed questionnaire to gather your ideas.
3. We discuss the ideas via email(if required).
4. I send along your custom banner/avatar.
5. You review it, and if you'd like changes, you send them back and I do them for free!
6. I send you the upgraded banner/avatar and you are totally satisfied!

This way you are sure to get what you want, and your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Any images you want incorporated can be emailed to me at nadialazzar [!at] gmail.com.

EXCLUSIVELY YOURS: Needless to say your banner will be yours only! The design you choose will be exclusively yours, I will NEVER use it again, but I might use it for promotional purposes - which can only be good for you! There's no such thing as too much advertising! :)

Price: $ 11.95

Some examples of banner that I made:

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in a banner and business cards. Can't afford it now but soon. You do some nice work. I'll be in touch.

    Are you on Ravelry? I'd like to add you as a friend so I can always find your blog.

    I am gimpykatk on Ravelry.
